Saturday, November 14, 2015

Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D

Image result for legend of zelda ocarina of time 3d

Today I will be talking to about the first Legend of Zelda that came out for the 3DS.

The game was release June 19 2011 in North America hard copy's then the downloadable version was availeble on october 18 2012 in North America. The people who made this game are Shun Moriya, Mikiharu Ooiwa and Hiroyuki Kuwata Directors, Eiji Aonuma, Takao Shimizu and Koichi Ishii Producers, Koji Kondo Composer, Publisher Nintendo and Developers Grezzo and Nintendo.

You are Link trying to stop the evil king Ganondorf who is the king of the Gerudo tribe from getting the Triforce that will grant him the power to take over the world. Zelda flees with Impa then Zelda throws the Ocarina of Time to you with a message and you play the Ocarina of Time then Zelda see tells you to go to the Temple of Time and play the ocarina of time at the door to grab the Master Sword the only weapon that can destroy all evil. When you take the Master Sword you travel through time 7 years into the future to find yourself talking to someone that you don't know. In those 7 years Ganondorf has taken over the world with the Triforce of Power and you have the Triforce of Courage and you must you the power of your Triforce to stop Ganondorf.

I really like the gameplay and the game mechanics of the game plus the master quest when you beat the game is fun since everything is flip around. In my next post I will talk about Legend of Zelda Link Between worlds. 


  1. Visually stunning and very fun blog. I love this series, having completed Ocarina of Time, and Majora's mask as well as a few of the older versions. What do you think of the cartoony Links (Windwaker, etc.) vs the more natural models?


    Spelling and grammar issues (ex. “Y I chose”, these vs this, capital I, hear vs her, etc.)
    Source not always clear, ex. 1st post
    Sometimes there is not enough opinion. I need to see more than a single phrase explaining your thoughts.
    Your videos don’t always complement your posts. Some are incredibly long commentaries on the game, vs a quick preview.

    Great start overall.

  2. I really enjoyed playing this game, thank you for lending it to me btw, i had alot of fun playing it which dosent happen with every game, i loved the environments the bosses preety much everything this game got right, awesome blog post!
